Saturday, December 01, 2007

Think beyond MPG*

Consider 2 different personalities below

I. Joe Redneck grew up in a small super conservative town of Midland, Texas. Thanks to striking oil in his backyard, Joe reaped riches and soon moved to Houston. Now Joe drives a 10 mpg Hummer, lives in a mansion consuming MW's of energy. He does not care about the environment and doesn't believe in conservation of our natural resources. He never recyles and doesnt care about running faucets in his palace. He has never set foot outside Texas and is totally illiterate about other culture.

II. Allene Green, grew up in the super liberal neighbourhood of Berkeley, CA. He now lives in the city of San Francisco in a small condo and drives a Prius which gives him 50 mpg. His small condo is lit with energy saving bulbs and he utilies only 1 light at a time in his house. He recycles all the cans, and never uses a plastic bag. He takes public transportation wherever possible. He is a conservationist and a tree hugger. Allene is also a big fan of travelling, and makes several trips to international and local destinations every year and is very well learned.

After reading the first 2 stories, it is very easy for a common man to draw the conclusion that Joe Redneck doesnt give a damn about the environment, whereas Allene Green is 21st century thinker who believes in preserving the natural resources of this world. Yet if you were to do a complete examination of their lifestyles, you would notice that the fuel consumed by Allene's international and domestic pleasure trips well exceed that of Joe's Hummers consumption. For example Allene' last weekend round trip to NY and back was equivalent of driving Joe's Hummer for 1250 miles** - a feat Joe accomplishes in more than a month! Thus in stark contrast to your assumptions based on two extreme cases presented above, Allene's carbon foot print is actually much more than that of Joe's.

If this result startles you, read more. Allene also spends 10 extra minutes in shower compare to Joe....and pray how is the hot water heated? Allene also has a voracious appetite and eats more than Joe. All forms of food be it meat or vegetables need enormous amount of energy for harvesting, transportation and packing. These are just a few examples from our daily lives where Allene consumes more energy than Joe.

Saving energy and natural resources are not simple as the mpg of your car. It takes a more holistic approach. We all need to realise, that at certain level all of us are hypocritical. Some may be aware of it, some may be denial...but at the end of the day the only way to conserve our resources is to do our bit. It might be as simple as recycling, or keeping the tap running for 1 less minute, or consolidating your dirty laundry to wash them all at once instead of washing 1 sock at a time.

* MPG - Miles per gallon
** Assumption - SFO -NY roundtrip is 6000 miles @ 48 mpg.


Totti said...

machi..firstly you stole my idea of washing one sock at a time. A lot of people stay in apartments and i think elec and gas bills shouldn't be included in the rent. Then, people would save a lot more or pay the bill.(Yeah, my utils are not included :P). Secondly, you finally agree you are hypocritical, but you just don't want to be alone in that club. Thirdly, the smug cloud of Allene is dense blocking out all the sunlight and probably would cover the ozone hole.

ss said...

You make a good point but I dont agree esp the trip thing.. Joe might not have driven 1250 miles but he did not transport 200 people either. Effort however little is required on everyone's part whether in LA or houston..

Point 5 said...

@Totti...U make a good pt abt utilites not included in rent..I think that is true of most apartment complexes right now...

@SS.The aeroplane calculation is per person basis...Its mileage is estimated at 48 mpg per seat. I have compared it with Joe driving 1250 miles. So if Joe had a passenger with him, he could have driven 2500 miles in a hummer with the same efficiency as Allen

totti said...

Anonymous said...

what's with you and the conservation bug? are you missing the liberal west so damn much?
-- R.S.

Point 5 said...

@Totti...Thanx for the link...thats pretty neat

@R.S ..that is indeed true...but just wait till you read my next post :))

Amarjeet Singh said...

As you correctly mentioned its naive to simply look at certain characteristics of the behavior of a person and ignore the rest while calculating the environmental conciousness. However, i believe that its all about mindset. If you do believe in environmental conservation, you will try to incorporate that in your lifestyle. Such an adoption in daily life will result in far more change than you can possibly cause with your lesiure travels - taking a bag with you while doing groceries and avoiding plastic, shopping for stuff only when its required and not dumping continuous waste in the environment, favoring products from greener companies, using public transport whenever possible, simple food habit changes, drinking coffee/tea in your mug rather than styrofoam etc. Such small things do not really effect the way you are living while hugely contributing towards environmental conservation. And how can one get on to such things - with an open frame of mind