Monday, October 31, 2005

World's first blog story (3)

Please read the rules of this story-tag game at Rohan's site.

He had always known that silence spoke volumes, unfortunately it was in a language he failed to decipher on most occasions.A long pause.He stared for what seemed liked ages.It made little sense.May be it was'nt meant to be. He shrugged and looked at his friend. The pregnant silence was ruptured by his friends intermittent sobbing. Today was Diwali, it was supposed to be the "Festival of Lights", but things were different tonite. "Lights out", yelled the Jailor.

I entrust the responsibility of developing this story further to the upcoming writer/director from Mollywood, Mr. Susu Ratnam.


Casablanca said...

Jailor? Errr... I thought it was be a lovey-dovey romantic story, given Rohan's first line ;)

Rohan Kumar said...

@casa thats the beauty of it all every person brings his/her shades to the story

@pointy Personally I enjoyed the twist in the tale (thats why I was hoping u and Totti were tagged early so that i cud see wat u wud do with it)

totti said...

hee hee.great twist.happy diwali :)

Transmogrifier said...

This story-tag game looks interesting. BTW do you know about flash fiction (or 55 fiction)? It's a short story with exactly 55 words. I read a lot of them on Sepia mutiny. They have a 55 Friday thing. That is quiet interesting too.