Wednesday, July 20, 2005

Cold Chappati

Off late, I have been having some really good chappatis*, courtesy Pillsbury frozen rotis . As I look back at my nomadic existence for the past 8 years, I realise that I have never been satisfied with this most important component of Indian dinner. People from southern states of India might debate my claim and would like to replace chappati by rice, thanks to their doting grandmothers who pampered them on a "curd rice & pickles" diet.

Search for greener pastures contributed to my nomadic existence for past 8 years and I ended up tasting the wheat flour reciepe, baked by different hands. During my High School (Junior College), the mess (canteen) was closed most of the days and I ended up eating Naans** is nearby cheap hotels. Chappatis were surely "naan-existent" during this phase of my life, save the weekend jaunts to my home. During my undergraduate years at IIT, I was fortunate enough to have a well established canteen ............and sure enough there was chappati for dinner. 6 years from then, I am still trying to chew down the first bite of the chappati that I had on that eventful day. The latest news about the "IIT-chappati" is that it is under investigation by the army for its deployment as a bullet proof vest. During my graduate studies, I lived 250 miles away from Edison, NJ, and in the absence of a 4 wheeler, I had to satisfy myself with the mexican version of the same. Finally I started living by the dictum, "If you don't have chappati, eat bread."

However, all is not well with the Pillsbury chappatis that I am baking and feasting for dinner. As I diligently stand in front of the cooking range and bake them, I realise that by the time I am done with making my 5th Chappati, the 1st is already cold. Infact by the time I begin to eat them, most of them are cold. The fact that I am a slow eater doesnt help for sure. But I am gripped by a wave of nostalgia when I recollect the time when my mom is used to serve fluffed chappatis for dinner - and each one of them was straight out of the fire, as hot as it gets.

But what was disturbing to me was not the nostalgia, but the chappati's on my mom's plate. With no one to serve her with the fluffed up bread, she was probably having her 4th & 5th chappati's as cold as I am having today. I have had this plight only for a forthnight, but she has been doing this all her life, and yet I have never heard her complain. I am sure the story is the same for millions of mothers all over India, as they unselfishly sacrifice a few degrees of heat off their plate to serve love and warmth to others. I never thought a small thing like heating a chappati would make me reflect on something monumental as this, as they say 'Only a wearer knows where the shoe pinches'.

I might be able to throw in a few dollars and please myself with Pillsbury.....but sure enough, there are somethings in life which money can't buy.

*Indian version of wheat tortillas, much tastier than the tortillas though.
** Leavened flour bread


Anarkist said...

Naan-existent!! Ha Ha Ha. So funny!!
You made me read all that just to pull off another one of your pj's again didn't you? Everyone misses their mom's cooking, but not everyone is compelled to tell a PJ to his friends and complete strangers before he ........
I just realized that I am overly critical of every post. I dont even remember when was the last time I wrote something encouraging or positive. I dont know man. I just cant help it. I have got to stop that. Ignore the above.

Point 5 said...

Unlike the "F" silent PJ, this time around I had definitely not planned for this PJ......

I think it's human nature to take a critical stance on everything. I have observed that I always find it difficult to praise or say something good about a person on the face, if I know the person really sounds a little senti too me (mostly if it's guys)...donno why ?

Anarkist said...

So you do admit that your earlier post was built around that F'art PJ. I remember you denying it vigorously. Regarding the compulsion that we have of maiking fun of our friends, you made me realize that I'm not alone in feeling that way, so I'll continue as before.

Point 5 said...

I admit that I had the "F" silent PJ in even mind b4 I got down to writing the blog....but what prompted me to write the blog was the visit to Getty's Museum not the PJ itself....I guess, I just got a good opportunity to use my PJ...

totti said...

What a turn! iit chappathi thing was very funny.hee hee

Rohan Kumar said...

Omigosh I was mentioning the same thing to my roomie yday abt mommies not getting the fluffed up chapatis. I used to volunteer making some for her after i was finished but I used to end up making amoeba like indiscernible shapes making me feel even worse for Mom :)

totti said...

Next blog on "experiences at sea world in San Diego" eh?

Point 5 said...

.....No it's about Ashes....I am going out to a AID-ASHA picnic today...hope to meet some junta over there...

Anonymous said...

Hey..Now there is no reason to crib when you get all the attention whenever you get home.....You might want to just indulge in all those hot chapatis...served with so much love and care by mommy,granny and all the women folk!!
and btw..if you want to know how to make great chapatis and eat them hot..mail me sometime..