Sunday, July 24, 2005


Though the first Ashes test lived up to it's build up, at the end of the day it was comfortable 239 runs victory for the Aussies, achieved in a little over 3 days.

Key Moments
Lunch 1:
Langer quotes "We had our bodies and egos badly bruised in the dressing room"

Close Day 1:
Pigeon steals the limelight. Peter Roebuck comments,
"McGrath is an extraordinary operator. None of his deliveries was fast, none bounced steeply, none swung or turned or curled or deceived the batsman. Most of them landed in the predicted place. But his deliveries cannot be understood in isolation. They are part of a succession that creates doubt and provokes error. None of his colleagues was remotely as threatening"

Close Day 2:
Clarke & Martyn do the rescue act. I am sure a lot of you wont agree with me, but I think Martyn is the most elegant batsmen in contemporary cricket. You just have to look at some of his backfoot drives to believe me.
I can't write much from Day 3 or Day 4, as I was enjoying my weekend at Seaworld in San Diego, and gaslamp district in downtown.

People might call me crazy, when I say that the series would end 5-0 in Australia's favour, but I believe mother nature would comply with the Aussies and help their cause. Aussies have been notorious to lose dead rubber matches. This aspect of their cricket has always annoyed me, and sorta gave an impression that they take the dead rubbers a little laid back. On the contrary, if one closely scrutinises the results of these dead rubber games, one would observe that most of them were lost by the Aussies by a very narrow margin. The Aussies figure 15 times, in the list of 19 narrowest test matches.

But this time, there shall not be any respite for the English team. The terrorists might have stopped bombing London, but the English will see a fireworks of a different kind from Ponting & Co.

5-0 Any takers ?


Anonymous said...

i would rather you not mention the attacks on the city in the same vein please.

Point 5 said...


let me tender my sincerest apologies to you, incase my post offended you in anyways. I never intended to make fun of the bombings. Infact I got a first hand account of bombing from a friend of mine, and I fully understand the scale of the tragedy. My sympathies are with all the victims, and I pray that the crooks are caught and punished for their heinous tasks as early as possible

Again, I am sorry for my inconsiderate remark and I hope that u check back at this comment.

totti said...

I find myself in a trap laid by me. I can't myself to get make any smart ass comments that i tricked you pointy. and since i posted it anonymously i can't even delete them. Pointy, remove the whole sequence.

totti said...

* I can't get myself to make any smart ass comments*

Point 5 said...

I would rather not delete the sequence. Though you might have written the first comment for fun, I think of it as a gentle reminder to myself to be more thoughtful with my words, so that people dont construe my writings incorrectly.

totti said...

and also portray me as the evil one while you glow as the good one..NO! you racist,desist..:p

Point 5 said...

I have never implied anything about your character, but I guess guilty feeling got the better of you :)

Rohan Kumar said...

David Graveney predicted 2-1 to the Poms b4 the series and he says thats its already going to plan :)

Point 5 said...

Amongst the Aussie ranks, only McGrath believes in 5-0....I guess I should call him up sometime

nice try said...

i wouldnt wager on a 5-0 simply because of the vagaries of the english summer weather ...

Point 5 said...

Actually, I have state earlier that 5-0 with mother nature relenting...but I think 3 sunny days a test match is enough to get 20 English wickets

nice try said...

sorry machi .. suffering from paper reviewer syndrome the title. read the abstract (=first line). read the conclusion (=last line) and dont care abt whats in between :-)

totti said...

Pointy ..can you send me the link to that panicker's article..i could nt find it@!!!!

Rohan Kumar said...

Thnx for recommending that panicer's thing even though i had read it already. Being an aussie fan u can await my tribute to Warnie in one big post on my blog replete with videos coming soon.

Point 5 said...

Totti useless bugger....go to Rohan's Panicker's *LOL*

Rohan, I can hardly wait for ur post.....I am going to write my own personal one on him, when he takes wicket number 600...I guess I will have to wait for 2 more tests